New Real Time Human Powered Search Engine
I have begun development on a new search engine that incorporates real human intelligence.
The increasing corporatisation of the internet and popular search engines has impeded the ability to efficiently access information via the internet and left those less savvy amongst us unable to access the benefits of smaller and often more capable operators. Many are unaware of and unable to utilize such developments as the 'open source' movement or waste too much time being mislead while attempting to access the information they need.
The new search engine's emphasis will be on social networking, giving people the tools to connect in a focused way, then leaving it to them to work it out. By enabling people with skills and knowledge to connect in a transparent way with people that require those skills and that knowledge, in real-time, it is intended that mutually beneficial social interactions and the transfer of information will occur across multiple levels.
When a search is conducted using the new search engine human minds will be integrating with traditional search methods to achieve more efficient information access for all.
Or just - hookin up newbs+1337s
If you're interested, feel you have something to contribute and want to get in on the ground level send me an email.